Know Your Kidneys

The most important function of the kidneys is to maintain the internal body environment for the optimum functioning of the various organs. Kidneys act like a 24hour cleaning crew for the blood. They filter out waste products. They get rid of excess water. They balance chemicals in the blood such as potassium and sodium. They remove excess acid. They also produce erythropoietinfor bone marrow function. Everyday, 180 litres of blood is filtered through the kidneys. There are two types of kidney failure. The acute,which is reversible and the chronic failure which is irreversible. Once a chronic renal failure patient reaches a stage where he cannot live without dialysis or transplant, he is said to be suffering from end-stage renal disease.

Kidney Failure

When you first hear the diagnosis, it is scary and depressing.Estimates shows that more than a million people worldwide have kidney failure. It is one of the deadliest diseases. Yet it is least understood. The incidence of kidney diseases is rising at an alarming rate in India. The disease is an offshoot of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and blood pressure which are rising. Statistically speaking 25 percent of diabetes and 10 percent of hypertension patients are susceptible to kidney ailments. Other reasons are lack of exercise, obesity, smoking, popping, painkillers indiscriminately and those with family history of kidney disease.

When Kidneys Fail

Just one kidney, working at 20% capacity, can keep a person healthy, below that level, you begin to feel tired or weak, and lose of appetite. This is because toxic wastes start to build up in the blood. Fluid collects, causing tissue swelling, lung congestion and high blood pressure. Every year between 1,50,000 and 2,00,000 patients are diagnosed with kidney problems. Of these only 3000 to 4000 can afford a transplant. Of the total patients diagnosed only 10,000 undergo dialysis and of these 60 percent drop out due to financial reasons. Presently, in India, there are 950 nephrologists, 850 hospitals equipped with dialysis facilities around 5000 dialysis units and 170 institutions recognized for kidney transplantation. To stay healthy, a method is needed to replace lost kidney function.